MIRO: Mutual-Information Regularization

Mutual Information Regularization with Oracle (MIRO).

Pre-requisite: Variational lower bound on mutual information

Barber, David, and Felix Agakov. “The im algorithm: a variational approach to information maximization.” Advances in neural information processing systems 16, no. 320 (2004): 201.

\[H(Y|X):=E_X[{\langle \log p(Y|X)\rangle}_{p(Y|X)}]\]
\[I(X,Y)=H(Y)-H(Y|X)=-{\langle\log p_y(Y)\rangle}_{p_y(Y)}+{\langle\log p(Y|X)\rangle}_{p(X,Y)}\]

Given variational distribution of \(q(x|y)\) as decoder (i.e. \(Y\) encodes information from \(X\))


\[KL\left(p(X|Y)|q(X|Y)\right):={\langle\log p(X|Y)\rangle}_{p(X|Y)}-\langle{\log q(X|Y)\rangle}_{p(X|Y)} >0\]

We have

\[{\langle\log p(X|Y)\rangle}_{p(X|Y)}>{\langle\log q(X|Y)\rangle}_{p(X|Y)}\]


\[I(X,Y)=-{\langle\log p_y(Y)\rangle}_{p_y(Y)}+{\langle\log p(Y|X)\rangle}_{p(X,Y)}>-{\langle\log p_y(Y)\rangle}_{p_y(Y)}+{\langle\log q(X,Y)\rangle}_{p(X|Y)}\]

with the lower bound being

\[-{\langle\log p_y(Y)\rangle}_{p_y(Y)}+{\langle\log q(X,Y)\rangle}_{p(X|Y)}\]

To optimize the lower bound, one can iterate

  • fix decoder \(q(X|Y)\) and optimize encoder \(Y=g(X;\theta) + \epsilon\)

  • fix encoder parameter \(\theta\), tune decoder to alleviate the lower bound

Laplace approximation

decoding posterior:

\[p(X|Y) \sim Gaussian(Y|[\Sigma^{-1}]_{ij}=\frac{\partial^2 \log p(x|y)}{\partial x_i\partial x_j})\]

when \(|Y|\) is large (large deviation from zero contains more information, which must be explained by non-typical \(X\))

Linear Gaussian

The bound \(H(X)+{\langle\log q(X|Y)\rangle}_{p(x,y)}\) becomes

\[\sum_i {\langle|X_i-m(Y_i)|_{|\Sigma^{-1}|(Y_i)} + \log det(\Sigma(Y_i))\rangle}_{p(Y|X)}\]


MIRO try to match the pre-trained model’s features layer by layer to the target neural network we want to train for domain invariance in terms of mutual information. They use a constant identity encoder on feature from target neural network, then a population variance \(\Sigma\) (forced to be diagonal).

Let \(z\) denote the intermediate features of each layer, let \(f_0\) be the pre-trained model, \(f\) be the target neural network. Let \(x\) be the input data.


the lower bound for Mutual information for instance \(i\) is

\[\log|\Sigma| + ||z^{(i)}_{f_0}-id(z^{i})||_{\Sigma}^{-1}\]

where \(id\) is the mean map

For diagonal \(\Sigma\), determinant is simply multiplication of all diagonal values,

\[\log|\Sigma|=\sum_{k} \log \sigma_k + ||{z_k}^{(i)}_{f_0}-z_k^{i}||{\sigma_k}^{-1}\]