Source code for domainlab.compos.a_nn_builder

Integrate Chain-of-Responsibility and Builder Pattern for feature extract

from domainlab.compos.pcr.p_chain_handler import AbstractChainNodeHandler
from domainlab.utils.utils_class import store_args

[docs] class AbstractFeatExtractNNBuilderChainNode(AbstractChainNodeHandler): """ to ensure chain of responsibility node AbstractChainNodeHandler always work even some node can not start their heavy weight business object, avoid override the initializer so that node construction is always light weight. """ def __init__(self, successor_node): """__init__. :param successor_node: """ self.net_feat_extract = None super().__init__(successor_node)
[docs] @store_args def init_business( self, dim_out, args, i_c=None, i_h=None, i_w=None, flag_pretrain=None, remove_last_layer=False, ): """ initialize **and** return the heavy weight business object for doing the real job :param request: subclass can override request object to be string or function :return: the constructed service object """ return NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_myjob(self, args): """ :param args_nname: command line arguments: "--nname": name of the torchvision model "--npath": path to the user specified python file with neural network definition """ return NotImplementedError