Source code for domainlab.models.a_model_classif

operations that all claasification model should have

import abc
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from domainlab.models.a_model import AModel
from domainlab.utils.logger import Logger
from domainlab.utils.perf import PerfClassif
from domainlab.utils.perf_metrics import PerfMetricClassif
from domainlab.utils.utils_class import store_args
from domainlab.utils.utils_classif import get_label_na, logit2preds_vpic

    from backpack import extend
    backpack = None

loss_cross_entropy_extended = extend(nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none"))

[docs] class AModelClassif(AModel, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ operations that all classification model should have """ match_feat_fun_na = "cal_logit_y"
[docs] def extend(self, model): super().extend(model) self._net_classifier = model.net_classifier
@property def metric4msel(self): return "acc" @property def net_classifier(self): return self._net_classifier @net_classifier.setter def net_classifier(self, net_classifier): self._net_classifier = net_classifier
[docs] def create_perf_obj(self, task): """ for classification, dimension of target can be quieried from task """ self.perf_metric = PerfMetricClassif(task.dim_y) return self.perf_metric
[docs] def cal_perf_metric(self, loader, device): """ classification performance metric """ metric = None with torch.no_grad(): if loader is not None: metric = self.perf_metric.cal_metrics(self, loader, device) confmat = metric.pop("confmat") logger = Logger.get_logger()"scalar performance:") logger.debug("confusion matrix:") logger.debug(pd.DataFrame(confmat)) metric["confmat"] = confmat return metric
[docs] def evaluate(self, loader_te, device): """ for classification task, use the current model to cal acc """ acc = PerfClassif.cal_acc(self, loader_te, device) logger = Logger.get_logger()"before training, model accuracy: {acc}")
[docs] def extract_semantic_feat(self, tensor_x): """ flatten the shape of feature tensor from super() """ feat_tensor = super().extract_semantic_feat(tensor_x) feat = feat_tensor.reshape(feat_tensor.shape[0], -1) return feat
[docs] def cal_logit_y(self, tensor_x): """ calculate the logit for softmax classification """ feat = self.extract_semantic_feat(tensor_x) logits = self.net_classifier(feat) return logits
@store_args def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ :param list_str_y: list of fixed order, each element is a class label """ super().__init__() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "list_str_y": list_str_y = value if key == "net_classifier": net_classifier = value self.list_str_y = list_str_y self._net_classifier = net_classifier self.perf_metric = None self.loss4gen_adv = nn.KLDivLoss(size_average=False)
[docs] def infer_y_vpicn(self, tensor): """ :param tensor: input :return: vpicn v: vector of one-hot class label, p: vector of probability, i: class label index, c: confidence: maximum probability, n: list of name of class """ with torch.no_grad(): logit_y = self.cal_logit_y(tensor) vec_one_hot, prob, ind, confidence = logit2preds_vpic(logit_y) na_class = get_label_na(ind, self.list_str_y) return vec_one_hot, prob, ind, confidence, na_class
@property def dim_y(self): """ the class embedding dimension """ return len(self.list_str_y)
[docs] def cal_task_loss(self, tensor_x, tensor_y): """ Calculate the task loss. Used within the `cal_loss` methods of models that are subclasses of `AModelClassif`. Cross entropy loss for classification is used here by default but could be modified by subclasses as necessary. :param tensor_x: input :param tensor_y: label :return: task loss """ logit_y = self.cal_logit_y(tensor_x) if (tensor_y.shape[-1] == 1) | (len(tensor_y.shape) == 1): y_target = tensor_y else: _, y_target = tensor_y.max(dim=1) lc_y = loss_cross_entropy_extended(logit_y, y_target) # cross entropy always return a scalar, no need for inside instance reduction return lc_y
[docs] def pred2file(self, loader_te, device, filename, metric_te, spliter="#"): """ pred2file dump predicted label to file as sanity check """ self.eval() model_local = logger = Logger.get_logger() for _, (x_s, y_s, *_, path4instance) in enumerate(loader_te): x_s, y_s =, _, prob, *_ = model_local.infer_y_vpicn(x_s) list_pred_prob_list = prob.tolist() list_target_list = y_s.tolist() list_target_scalar = [ np.asarray(label).argmax() for label in list_target_list ] tuple_zip = zip(path4instance, list_target_scalar, list_pred_prob_list) list_pair_path_pred = list(tuple_zip) with open(filename, "a", encoding="utf8") as handle_file: for list4one_obs_path_prob_target in list_pair_path_pred: list_str_one_obs_path_target_predprob = [ str(ele) for ele in list4one_obs_path_prob_target ] str_line = (" " + spliter + " ").join( list_str_one_obs_path_target_predprob ) str_line = str_line.replace("[", "") str_line = str_line.replace("]", "") print(str_line, file=handle_file)"prediction saved in file {filename}") file_acc = self.read_prediction_file(filename, spliter) acc_metric_te = metric_te["acc"] flag1 = math.isclose(file_acc, acc_metric_te, rel_tol=1e-9, abs_tol=0.01) acc_raw1 = PerfClassif.cal_acc(self, loader_te, device) acc_raw2 = PerfClassif.cal_acc(self, loader_te, device) flag_raw_consistency = math.isclose( acc_raw1, acc_raw2, rel_tol=1e-9, abs_tol=0.01 ) flag2 = math.isclose(file_acc, acc_raw1, rel_tol=1e-9, abs_tol=0.01) if not (flag1 & flag2 & flag_raw_consistency): str_info = ( f"inconsistent acc: \n" f"prediction file acc generated using the current model is {file_acc} \n" f"input torchmetric acc to the current function: {acc_metric_te} \n" f"raw acc 1 {acc_raw1} \n" f"raw acc 2 {acc_raw2} \n" ) raise RuntimeError(str_info) return file_acc
[docs] def read_prediction_file(self, filename, spliter): """ check if the written fiel could calculate acc """ with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as handle_file: list_lines = [line.strip().split(spliter) for line in handle_file] count_correct = 0 for line in list_lines: list_prob = [float(ele) for ele in line[2].split(",")] if np.array(list_prob).argmax() == int(line[1]): count_correct += 1 acc = count_correct / len(list_lines) logger = Logger.get_logger()"accuracy from prediction file {acc}") return acc
[docs] def cal_loss_gen_adv(self, x_natural, x_adv, vec_y): """ calculate loss function for generation of adversarial images """ x_adv.requires_grad_() with torch.enable_grad(): logits_adv = self.cal_logit_y(x_adv) logits_natural = self.cal_logit_y(x_natural) prob_adv = F.log_softmax(logits_adv, dim=1) prob_natural = F.softmax(logits_natural, dim=1) loss_adv_gen_task = self.cal_task_loss(x_adv, vec_y) loss_adv_gen = self.loss4gen_adv(prob_adv, prob_natural) return loss_adv_gen + loss_adv_gen_task.sum()
def _cal_reg_loss(self, tensor_x, tensor_y, tensor_d, others=None): """ for ERM to adapt to the interface of other regularized learners """ device = tensor_x.device bsize = tensor_x.shape[0] return [torch.zeros(bsize).to(device)], [0.0]