Source code for domainlab.tasks.task_folder_mk
When class names and numbers does not match across different domains
from domainlab.tasks.task_folder import NodeTaskFolderClassNaMismatch
def mk_task_folder(
Make task by specifying each domain with folder structures
:param extensions: Different Options: 1. a python dictionary with key as the domain name
and value (str or tuple[str]) as the file extensions of the image. 2. a str or tuple[str]
with file extensions for all domains. 3. None: in each domain all files with an extension
in ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png') are loaded.
list_str_y: a python list with user defined class name where
the order of the list matters.
:param dict_domain_folder_name2class: a python dictionary, with key
as the user specified domain name, value as a dictionary to map the
sub-folder name of each domain's class folder into the user defined
common class name.
:param dict_domain_img_trans: a python dictionary with keys as the user
specified domain name, value as a user defined torchvision transform.
This feature allows carrying out different transformation (composition) to different
domains at training time.
:param img_trans_te: at test or inference time, we do not have knowledge
of domain information so only a unique transform (composition) is allowed.
:isize: domainlab.tasks.ImSize(image channel, image height, image width)
:dict_domain2imgroot: a python dictionary with keys as user specified domain
names and values as the absolute path to each domain's data.
:taskna: user defined task name
class NodeTaskFolderDummy(NodeTaskFolderClassNaMismatch):
def task_name(self):
The basic name of the task, without configurations
return taskna
def conf_without_args(self):
self.extensions = extensions
self.list_str_y = list_str_y
self._dict_domain_folder_name2class = dict_domain_folder_name2class
self.isize = isize
self.dict_domain2imgroot = dict_domain2imgroot
self._dict_domain_img_trans = dict_domain_img_trans
self.img_trans_te = img_trans_te
return NodeTaskFolderDummy(succ=succ)