Samples the hyperparameters according to a benchmark configuration file.
# Structure of this file:
- Class Hyperparameter
# Inherited Classes
# Functions to sample hyper-parameters and log into csv file
import copy
import json
import os
from ast import literal_eval # literal_eval can safe evaluate python expression
from pydoc import locate
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from domainlab.utils.get_git_tag import get_git_tag
from domainlab.utils.logger import Logger
G_MODEL_NA = "model"
G_METHOD_NA = "method"
class Hyperparameter:
Represents a hyperparameter.
The datatype of .val is int if step and p1 is integer valued,
else float.
p1: min or mean
p2: max or scale
reference: None or name of referenced hyperparameter
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.name = name
self.val = 0
def _ensure_step(self):
"""Make sure that the hyperparameter sticks to the discrete grid"""
raise NotImplementedError
def sample(self):
"""Sample this parameter, respecting properties"""
raise NotImplementedError
def get_val(self):
"""Returns the current value of the hyperparameter"""
return self.val
def datatype(self):
Returns the datatype of this parameter.
This does not apply for references.
raise NotImplementedError
class SampledHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
A numeric hyperparameter that shall be sampled
def __init__(self, name: str, config: dict):
self.step = config.get("step", 0)
self.distribution = config["distribution"]
if self.distribution in {"uniform", "loguniform"}:
self.p_1 = config["min"]
self.p_2 = config["max"]
elif self.distribution in {"normal", "lognormal"}:
self.p_1 = config["mean"]
self.p_2 = config["std"]
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unsupported distribution type: {self.distribution}."
except KeyError as ex:
raise RuntimeError(f"Missing required key for parameter {name}.") from ex
self.p_1 = float(self.p_1)
self.p_2 = float(self.p_2)
def _ensure_step(self):
"""Make sure that the hyperparameter sticks to the discrete grid"""
if self.step == 0:
return # continous parameter
# round to next discrete value.
# p_1 is the lower bound of the hyper-parameter range, p_2 the upper bound
off = (self.val - self.p_1) % self.step
# $off$ is always smaller than step, depending on whether $off$ falls on the left half
# or right half of [0, step], move the hyper-parameter to the boundary so that
# updated hyper-parameter % step = 0
if off < self.step / 2:
self.val -= off
self.val += self.step - off
# ensure correct datatype
if self.datatype() == int:
self.val = self.datatype()(np.round(self.val))
def sample(self):
"""Sample this parameter, respecting properties"""
if self.distribution == "uniform":
self.val = np.random.uniform(self.p_1, self.p_2)
elif self.distribution == "loguniform":
self.val = 10 ** np.random.uniform(np.log10(self.p_1), np.log10(self.p_2))
elif self.distribution == "normal":
self.val = np.random.normal(self.p_1, self.p_2)
elif self.distribution == "lognormal":
self.val = 10 ** np.random.normal(self.p_1, self.p_2)
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported distribution type: {self.distribution}.")
def datatype(self):
return int if self.step % 1 == 0 and self.p_1 % 1 == 0 else float
class ReferenceHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
Hyperparameter that references only a different one.
Thus, this parameter is not sampled but set after sampling.
def __init__(self, name: str, config: dict):
self.reference = config.get("reference", None)
def _ensure_step(self):
"""Make sure that the hyperparameter sticks to the discrete grid"""
# nothing to do for references
def sample(self):
"""Sample this parameter, respecting properties"""
# nothing to do for references
def datatype(self):
raise RuntimeError("Datatype unknown for ReferenceHyperparameter")
class CategoricalHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
A sampled hyperparameter, which is constraint to fixed,
user given values and datatype
def __init__(self, name: str, config: dict):
self.allowed_values = config["values"]
if "datatype" not in config:
raise RuntimeError(
"Please specifiy datatype for all categorical hyper-parameters!, e.g. datatype=str"
self.type = locate(config["datatype"])
self.allowed_values = [self.type(v) for v in self.allowed_values]
def _ensure_step(self):
"""Make sure that the hyperparameter sticks to the discrete grid"""
# nothing to do for categorical ones
def sample(self):
"""Sample this parameter, respecting properties"""
# nothing to do for references
idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.allowed_values))
self.val = self.allowed_values[idx]
def datatype(self):
return self.type
def get_hyperparameter(name: str, config: dict) -> Hyperparameter:
"""Factory function. Instantiates the correct Hyperparameter"""
if "reference" in config.keys():
return ReferenceHyperparameter(name, config)
dist = config.get("distribution", None)
if dist == "categorical":
return CategoricalHyperparameter(name, config)
return SampledHyperparameter(name, config)
def check_constraints(params: List[Hyperparameter], constraints) -> bool:
"""Check if the constraints are fulfilled."""
# set each param as a local variable
for par in params:
locals().update({par.name: par.val})
# set references
for par in params:
if isinstance(par, ReferenceHyperparameter):
setattr(par, "val", eval(par.reference))
# NOTE: literal_eval will cause ValueError: malformed node or string
except Exception as ex:
logger = Logger.get_logger()
logger.info(f"error in evaluating expression: {par.reference}")
raise ex
locals().update({par.name: par.val})
if constraints is None:
return True # shortcut
# check all constraints
for constr in constraints:
const_res = eval(constr)
# NOTE: literal_eval will cause ValueError: malformed node or string
except SyntaxError as ex:
raise SyntaxError(f"Invalid syntax in yaml config: {constr}") from ex
if not const_res:
return False
return True
def sample_parameters(
init_params: List[Hyperparameter],
) -> dict:
Tries to sample from the hyperparameter list.
Errors if in 10_0000 attempts no sample complying with the
constraints is found.
for _ in range(10_000):
params = copy.deepcopy(init_params)
for par in params:
# add a random hyperparameter from the shared hyperparameter dataframe
if shared_samples is not None:
# sample one line from the pandas dataframe
shared_samp = shared_samples.sample(1).iloc[0]["params"]
for key in shared_samp.keys():
par = Hyperparameter(key)
par.val = shared_samp[key]
par.name = key
# check constrained
if check_constraints(params, constraints):
samples = {}
for par in params:
samples[par.name] = par.val
return samples
# if there was no sample found fullfilling the constrained above,
# this may be due to the shared hyperparameters.
# If so, new samples are generated for the shared hyperparameters
logger = Logger.get_logger()
"The constrainds coundn't be met with the shared Hyperparameters, "
"shared dataframe pool will be ignored for now."
for _ in range(10_000):
params = copy.deepcopy(init_params)
# add the shared hyperparameter as a sampled hyperparameter
if shared_samples is not None:
shared_samp = shared_samples.sample(1).iloc[0]["params"]
for key in shared_samp.keys():
par = SampledHyperparameter(key, shared_config[key])
par.name = key
for par in params:
# check constrained
if check_constraints(params, constraints):
samples = {}
for par in params:
samples[par.name] = par.val
return samples
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not find an acceptable sample in 10,000 runs."
"Are the bounds and constraints reasonable?"
def create_samples_from_shared_samples(
shared_samples: pd.DataFrame, config: dict, task_name: str
add informations like task, G_MODEL_NA and constrainds to the shared samples
shared_samples: pd Dataframe with columns [G_METHOD_NA, G_MODEL_NA, 'params']
config: dataframe with yaml configuration of the current task
task_name: name of the current task
shared_samp = shared_samples.copy()
shared_samp[G_MODEL_NA] = config["model"]
shared_samp[G_METHOD_NA] = task_name
# respect the constraints if specified in the task
if "constraints" in config.keys():
for idx in range(shared_samp.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1):
name = list(shared_samp["params"].iloc[idx].keys())[0]
value = shared_samp["params"].iloc[idx][name]
par = Hyperparameter(name)
par.val = value
if not check_constraints([par], config["constraints"]):
shared_samp = shared_samp.drop(idx)
return shared_samp
def sample_task_only_shared(
num_samples, task_name, sample_df, config, shared_conf_samp
sample one task and add it to the dataframe for task descriptions which only
contain shared hyperparameters
shared_config, shared_samples = shared_conf_samp
# copy the shared samples dataframe and add the corrct G_MODEL_NA and taks names
shared_samp = create_samples_from_shared_samples(shared_samples, config, task_name)
# for the case that we expect more hyperparameter samples for the G_MODEL_NArithm as provided
# in the shared sampes we use the shared config to sample new hyperparameters to ensure
# that we have distinct hyperparameters
if num_samples - shared_samp.shape[0] > 0:
s_config = shared_config.copy()
s_dict = {}
for keys in s_config.keys():
if keys != "num_shared_param_samples":
s_dict[keys] = s_config[keys]
if "constraints" in config.keys():
s_dict["constraints"] = config["constraints"]
s_config["model"] = config["model"]
s_config["hyperparameters"] = s_dict
# sample new shared hyperparameters
sample_df = sample_task(
num_samples - shared_samp.shape[0],
(s_config, sample_df),
(None, None),
# add previously sampled shared hyperparameters
sample_df = sample_df.append(shared_samp, ignore_index=True)
# for the case that the number of shared samples is >= the expected number of
# sampled hyperparameters we randomly choose rows in the sampled hyperparameters df
shared_samp = shared_samp.sample(num_samples)
sample_df = sample_df.append(shared_samp, ignore_index=True)
return sample_df
def sample_task(
num_samples: int, task_name: str, conf_samp: tuple, shared_conf_samp: tuple
"""Sample one task and add it to the dataframe"""
config, sample_df = conf_samp
shared_config, shared_samples = shared_conf_samp
if "hyperparameters" in config.keys():
# in benchmark configuration file, sub-section hyperparameters
# means changing hyper-parameters
params = []
for key, val in config["hyperparameters"].items():
if key in ("constraints", "num_shared_param_samples"):
params += [get_hyperparameter(key, val)]
constraints = config["hyperparameters"].get("constraints", None)
for _ in range(num_samples):
sample = sample_parameters(
params, constraints, shared_config, shared_samples
sample_df.loc[len(sample_df.index)] = [task_name, config["model"], sample]
elif "shared" in config.keys():
sample_df = sample_task_only_shared(
num_samples, task_name, sample_df, config, (shared_config, shared_samples)
# add single line if no varying hyperparameters are specified.
sample_df.loc[len(sample_df.index)] = [task_name, config["model"], {}]
return sample_df
def is_dict_with_key(input_dict, key) -> bool:
"""Determines if the input argument is a dictionary and it has key"""
return isinstance(input_dict, dict) and key in input_dict.keys()
def get_shared_samples(
shared_samples_full: pd.DataFrame, shared_config_full: dict, task_config: dict
- creates a dataframe with columns [task, G_MODEL_NA, params],
task and G_MODEL_NA are all for all rows, but params is filled with the
shared parameters of shared_samples_full requested by task_config.
- creates a shared config containing only information about the
shared hyperparameters requested by the task_config
shared_samples = shared_samples_full.copy(deep=True)
shared_config = shared_config_full.copy()
if "shared" in task_config.keys():
shared = task_config["shared"]
shared = []
for line_num in range(shared_samples.shape[0]):
hyper_p_dict = shared_samples.iloc[line_num]["params"].copy()
key_list = copy.deepcopy(list(hyper_p_dict.keys()))
for key_ in key_list:
if key_ not in shared:
del hyper_p_dict[key_]
shared_samples.iloc[line_num]["params"] = hyper_p_dict
for key_ in key_list:
if not key_ == "num_shared_param_samples":
if key_ not in shared:
del shared_config[key_]
# remove all duplicates
shared_samples = shared_samples.drop_duplicates(subset="params")
return shared_samples, shared_config
def sample_hyperparameters(
config: dict, dest: str = None, sampling_seed: int = None
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Samples the hyperparameters according to the given
config, which should be the dictionary of the full
benchmark config yaml.
Result is saved to 'output_dir/hyperparameters.csv' of the
config if not specified explicitly.
Note: Parts of the yaml content are executed. Thus use this
only with trusted config files.
if dest is None:
dest = config["output_dir"] + os.sep + "hyperparameters.csv"
if sampling_seed is not None:
num_samples = config["num_param_samples"]
samples = pd.DataFrame(columns=[G_METHOD_NA, G_MODEL_NA, "params"])
if "Shared params" in config.keys():
shared_config_full = config["Shared params"]
shared_samples_full = pd.DataFrame(columns=[G_METHOD_NA, G_MODEL_NA, "params"])
shared_val = {"model": "all", "hyperparameters": config["Shared params"]}
# fill up the dataframe shared samples
shared_samples_full = sample_task(
(shared_val, shared_samples_full),
(None, None),
shared_samples_full = None
for key, val in config.items():
if is_dict_with_key(val, "model"):
if shared_samples_full is not None:
shared_samples, shared_config = get_shared_samples(
shared_samples_full, shared_config_full, val
shared_config = None
shared_samples = None
samples = sample_task(
num_samples, key, (val, samples), (shared_config, shared_samples)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest), exist_ok=True)
# create a txt file with the commit information
with open(
config["output_dir"] + os.sep + "commit.txt", "w", encoding="utf8"
) as file:
file.writelines("use git log |grep \n")
file.writelines("consider remove leading b in the line below \n")
with open(
config["output_dir"] + os.sep + "config.txt", "w", encoding="utf8"
) as file:
json.dump(config, file)
return samples