Source code for domainlab.utils.perf

"""Classification Performance"""
import torch

[docs] class PerfClassif: """Classification Performance"""
[docs] @classmethod def gen_fun_acc(cls, dim_target): """ :param dim_target: class/domain label embeding dimension """ def fun_acc(list_vec_preds, list_vec_labels): """ :param list_vec_preds: list of batches """ assert len(list_vec_preds) > 0 correct_count = 0 obs_count = 0 for pred, label in zip(list_vec_preds, list_vec_labels): correct_count += torch.sum( torch.sum(pred == label, dim=1) == dim_target ) obs_count += pred.shape[0] # batch size if isinstance(correct_count, int): acc = (correct_count) / obs_count else: acc = (correct_count.float()) / obs_count # AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'float' # reason: batchsize is too big return acc return fun_acc
[docs] @classmethod def cal_acc(cls, model, loader_te, device): """ :param model: :param loader_te: :param device: for final test, GPU can be used """ model.eval() model_local = fun_acc = cls.gen_fun_acc(model_local.dim_y) list_vec_preds, list_vec_labels = cls.get_list_pred_target( model_local, loader_te, device ) accuracy_y = fun_acc(list_vec_preds, list_vec_labels) acc_y = accuracy_y.cpu().numpy().item() return acc_y
[docs] @classmethod def get_list_pred_target(cls, model_local, loader_te, device): """ isolate function to check if prediction persist each time loader is went through """ list_vec_preds, list_vec_labels = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for _, (x_s, y_s, *_) in enumerate(loader_te): x_s, y_s =, pred, *_ = model_local.infer_y_vpicn(x_s) list_vec_preds.append(pred) list_vec_labels.append(y_s) return list_vec_preds, list_vec_labels