Source code for domainlab.utils.utils_classif
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
def mk_dummy_label_list_str(prefix, dim):
only used for testing, to generate list of class/domain label names
return [prefix + str(i) for i in range(dim)]
def logit2preds_vpic(logit):
:logit: batch of logit vector
:return: vector of one-hot,
vector of probability,
maximum probability
mat_prob = F.softmax(logit, dim=1)
# get the index of the maximum softmax probability
max_prob, max_ind = torch.topk(mat_prob, 1)
# convert the digit(s) to one-hot tensor(s)
one_hot = logit.new_zeros(mat_prob.size())
one_hot = one_hot.scatter_(dim=1, index=max_ind, value=1.0)
return one_hot, mat_prob, max_ind, max_prob
def get_label_na(tensor_ind, list_str_na):
given list of label names in strings, map tensor of index to label names
arr_ind_np = tensor_ind.cpu().numpy()
arr_ind = np.squeeze(
arr_ind_np, axis=1
) # explicitly use axis=1 to deal with edge case of only
# instance left
# list_ind = list(arr_ind): if there is only dimension 1 tensor_ind, then there is a problem
list_ind = arr_ind.tolist()
list_na = [list_str_na[ind] for ind in list_ind]
return list_na